
Job Search Results

  • 26 Positions
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  • Temporary
  • 60m (197ft) Motor Yacht
  • Croatia
  • EUR (€)8,000.00 Per Month
  • Posted 17th Jul 2024
  • Starting 1st Aug 2024
  • Permanent
  • Shore Based Position
  • United Kingdom
  • GBP (£)6,000.00 Per Month
  • Posted 16th Jul 2024
  • Starting 30th Jul 2024
  • Permanent
  • 38m (125ft) Motor Yacht
  • United States
  • Posted 15th Jul 2024
Premium Employer
We are Faststream

The leaders in superyacht recruitment

  • Starting 11th Sep 2024
  • Rotational
  • 70m (230ft) Motor Yacht
  • EUR (€)8,500.00 Per Month
  • Posted 11th Jul 2024
  • Contract
  • 85m (279ft) Expedition Vessel
  • South Africa
  • Posted 11th Jul 2024
  • Starting 10th Aug 2024
  • Temporary
  • 55m (180ft) Motor Yacht
  • Posted 10th Jul 2024
  • Starting 1st Aug 2024
  • Permanent
  • Shore Based Position
  • United States
  • Posted 10th Jul 2024
  • Permanent
  • 49m (161ft) Shore Based Position
  • Greece
  • EUR (€)6,000.00 Per Month
  • Posted 8th Jul 2024
Filled Executive/Head Chef #2373689
  • Temporary
  • 65m (213ft) Motor Yacht
  • Italy
  • EUR (€)14,000.00 Per Month
  • Posted 15th Jul 2024
Filled Executive/Head Chef #2368013
  • Temporary
  • Shore Based Position
  • Greece
  • EUR (€)6,500.00 Per Month
  • Posted 9th Jul 2024
Filled Executive/Head Chef #2366678
  • Temporary
  • Shore Based Position
  • Greece
  • EUR (€)6,000.00 Per Month
  • Posted 8th Jul 2024

Executive/Head Chef

Salary : EUR 4500 to EUR 10000+ Per Month

The Head Chef will be responsible for provisioning of all food items wherever the vessel is in the world. The Chef will be responsible for meal planning, food preparation, knowledge of food safety and storage. Strong understanding of nutrition, dietary needs and be able to work within a budget. As the Head Chef you will also possess management and leadership qualities, have the ability to work as a team, have a creative flare and fantastic presentation skills.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Restaurant background as a Chef
  • Food safety and Hygiene certification
  • Professional Chef Qualification
  • Working to budgets
  • World Cuisines and provisioning knowledge in many ports around the globe
  • Excellent presentation skills
  • Menu planning
  • Wine knowledge
  • Be highly organized and ability to work to tight time constraints
  • Accounting and computer skills
  • Finger on the pulse of the latest dieting trends

Extra desired training

  • Additional chef qualifications in pastry, chocolate, sugar craft
  • Food and wine pairing
  • Wine knowledge
  • Ships Cooks Certificate