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  • Permanent
  • Shore Based Position
  • Posted 23rd Jul 2024
  • Shore Based Position
  • Location Southampton Salary Competitive Job type ...
  • Posted 2nd Nov 2023
Premium Employer
We are Wilson Halligan

The leaders in superyacht recruitment

Yacht Sales Broker

Salary : EUR 1500 to EUR 3000 Per Month

The role mainly involves working closely with sales managers to selling various yachts. Travelling is key to the role as you are often expected to travel to clients. Having a strong personality with good negotiation skills is clinical to being successful in the role. The role often involves revisiting clients for future broke deals and therefore; building and maintaining relations is important. As with most sales jobs, your income is commission-based.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Experience in a selling environment
  • Drivers License
  • Good negotiation skills
  • Ability to work alone
  • Relationship Building

Extra desired training

  • Knowledge of the Yachting industry is beneficial
  • Multilingual