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Sous/2nd Chef

Salary : EUR 4000 to EUR 6000+ Per Month

In this position the Sous Chef works for the Head Chef. In this position the Sous Chef will assist the head chef with provisioning, maintaining stocks, inventories, cooking for the crew and while the Head Chef focuses on the guest meals, the Sous Chef is normally either assisting or responsible for an element of the meal while being overseen by the Head. You will also be responsible for detailing and maintaining the galley to a high level cleanliness.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Restaurant background as a Chef
  • Professional chef qualification
  • Food safety and Hygiene certification
  • Knowledge of food safety & Storage
  • Good knowledge of produce
  • Good understanding of nutrition
  • Awareness of allergies and dietary needs
  • Ability to provision
  • An interest in the latest dieting trends

Extra desired training

  • Ships Cooks Certificate