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Relief Captain #2369336
  • Starting 29th Jul 2024
  • Temporary
  • 27m (89ft) Sailing Yacht
  • Mexico
  • USD ($)6,500.00 Per Month
  • Posted 22nd Jul 2024
Relief Captain #2376737
  • Temporary
  • 90m (295ft) Motor Yacht
  • United Arab Emirates
  • EUR (€)500.00 Per Day
  • Posted 18th Jul 2024
Premium Employer
We are Wilson Halligan

The leaders in superyacht recruitment

Relief Captain

Salary : EUR 4000 to EUR 15000+ Per Month

The Relief Boat Captain will primarily be called upon when the current captain is struck with illness or due to be taking holiday. The relief period may be of short notice or for short periods of time. The Relief Captains primary duty is the safe navigation and operation of the yacht. The Captain takes full charge and overall responsibility of the vessel. All department heads report directly to the Relief Captain whilst on placement.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Will possess considerable years of training and experience either through yachting or alternative maritime career path
  • Qualifications dependant on the size of the vessel; Yacht master Offshore commercially endorsed 200gt, Yacht master Ocean commercially endorsed 200gt, Master 500gt, Master 3000gt, Master Unlimited
  • Navigation & yacht operations
  • Good cruising knowledge of a wide range of areas
  • Strong knowledge and understanding of maritime law
  • Personnel management
  • Shipyard and project management
  • Accounting
  • Calm and charismatic personality
  • Excellent leadership and communication skills
  • Possess great people skills
  • Exceptional ISM & ISPS knowledge
  • Health & Safety
  • Excellent engineering knowledge or have the ability to troubleshoot