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Dayworker #2374791
  • Daywork
  • 42m (138ft) Sailing Yacht
  • Netherlands
  • Posted 16th Jul 2024
Dayworker #2368500
  • Daywork
  • 60m (197ft) Motor Yacht
  • Australia
  • Posted 9th Jul 2024
Filled Dayworker #2376858
  • Daywork
  • 34m (112ft) Motor Yacht
  • France
  • EUR (€)120.00 Per Day
  • Posted 18th Jul 2024
Premium Employer
We are Faststream

The leaders in superyacht recruitment


Salary : EUR 100 to EUR 120 Per Day

Day work is temporary work on a yacht to assist permanent crewmembers in the areas required. The work could be anything from detailing the galley, cleaning cabins, detailing the engine room to assisting with laundry or a wash down. It can last anywhere from one day, to several weeks, or even a few months.

Day working offers the opportunity to learn new skills, network with other crew and build your industry experience, which will enhance your employment prospects. Day work can sometimes lead to a permanent position if there is a vacancy on board.

Our advice is to always think of day work as an all-day interview. Carryout duties given to the best of your ability, work hard, maintain a positive attitude and offer to assist in other areas such as unloading shopping and cleaning up after meal times.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Basic STCW and PSA
  • ENG 1 Medical
  • Experience will depend on the vessel requirements you may not require experience at all
  • A good attitude
  • Willingness to work hard and take direction
  • Well presented

Extra desired training

  • Powerboat level 2
  • PWC
  • Any training courses on deck or interior
  • Recreational boating experience