1,450 EUR (€)
Book this courseSchool Zephyr Yachting
Location Antibes
Duration 9 day(s)
Dates Contact for more info
Accommodation None Included
Day Skipper Course Information Skippering a yacht for the first time can be an off-putting yet exciting and thrilling experience. The RYA Day Skipper practical course is intended to teach you to "Take Charge" of your yacht safely and with confidence. A skipper does much more than simply navigate. Skippers are responsible for the safety and security of the yacht and its crew. The responsibilities of a skipper include; weather forecasting, engine maintenance, sail selection, sail handling, passage planning, watch keeping, navigation and pilotage. The Day Skipper course aims to teach pilotage, navigation, seamanship and boat handling up to the standard required to skipper a motor cruiser safely by day in tidal water you are familiar with.