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Tutor #2379113
  • Starting 14th Aug 2024
  • Contract
  • 24m (79ft) Motor Yacht
  • Greece
  • Posted 21st Jul 2024
Premium Employer
We are Faststream

The leaders in superyacht recruitment


Salary : EUR 100 to EUR 200 Per Day

In private households, there is often the requirement for a tutor to provide one-to-one instruction to help children/students achieve their academic goals. As a tutor, providing tailored tuition, you will be working with a student or students on specific subjects in preparation for exams or to help with subjects where they might be struggling.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Current enhanced CRB/DBS check
  • At least 1 year of tutoring experience with checkable/ verified references
  • Valid passport/Work Permits/Visa
  • Friendly and approachable while maintaining a certain level of decorum
  • Well presented
  • Ability to provide online tutoring

Extra desired training

  • Bi-lingual advantageous