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  • 7 Positions
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Paramedic #2384445
  • Starting 23rd Sep 2024
  • Rotational
  • 90m (295ft) Motor Yacht
  • Posted Yesterday
Paramedic #2380949
  • Starting 7th Sep 2024
  • Rotational
  • 110m (361ft) Motor Yacht
  • France
  • Posted 23rd Jul 2024
Paramedic #2169893
  • Starting 1st Aug 2024
  • Rotational
  • 70m (230ft) Motor Yacht
  • Posted 23rd Jul 2024
Premium Employer
We are Wilson Halligan

The leaders in superyacht recruitment

Paramedic #2376425
  • Permanent
  • 75m (246ft) Motor Yacht
  • Posted 18th Jul 2024
Paramedic #2355482
  • Permanent
  • 60m (197ft) Motor Yacht
  • Italy
  • USD ($)5,000.00 Per Month
  • Posted 17th Jul 2024
Paramedic #2134151
  • We are looking for a Deckhand/Paramedic for a new build 100m+  Looki...
  • Posted 18th Oct 2023
Filled Paramedic #2375232
  • Temporary
  • 90m (295ft) Motor Yacht
  • Italy
  • EUR (€)4,500.00 Per Month
  • Posted 17th Jul 2024


Salary : EUR 2800 to EUR 3500+ Per Month

A paramedic is a healthcare professional and works mainly as part of emergency medical services (EMS), such as on an ambulance. The scope of practice of a paramedic will vary between countries, but generally includes autonomous decision making around the emergency care of patients.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Trained Paramedic
  • Ability to respond in an emergency situation with resuscitation
  • STCW & PSA
  • ENG 1 Medical

Extra desired training

  • Prior boating experience
  • Water sports experience