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Helicopter Pilot

Salary : EUR 5000 to EUR 6000 Per Month

The helicopter pilot is responsible for flying the owner to and from the vessel plus possibly other flying responsibilities. This position can be yacht based or land based depending on requirements of the yacht. You will hold the require licensing and be highly experienced, plus have experience operating by both day and night. The ideal candidate will possess strong leadership qualities, respond well in a pressured environments or emergency situations and will have a courteous disposition when managing the expectations of VIP clientele.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Hold a full commercial helicopter pilot certificate - night/day rating
  • Platform/vessel landing experience
  • Well versed in Helideck operations
  • Maritime experience
  • Required Medical certificate
  • STCW and PDSD
  • Strong leadership skills
  • Ability to respond in an emergency situation

Extra desired training

  • Helicopter Instructors certificate
  • Any advanced medical training
  • Knowledge of multiple languages