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  • Starting 18th Aug 2024
  • Permanent
  • Shore Based Position
  • United Kingdom
  • GBP (£)6,500.00 Per Month
  • Posted 18th Jul 2024
Premium Employer
We are Wilson Halligan

The leaders in superyacht recruitment

Governor/ Governess

Salary : EUR 4000 to EUR 5000 Per Month

For private households where there are children living at home or frequently travelling between different locations, a governess is often employed to supplement or replace their school education. Employed to educate the child/children in their private household you should hold a BA degree or equivalent. The ideal candidate will be independent and flexible, as they may be required to travel with the family as and when they request it.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • BA Degree or equivalent
  • Teaching background
  • Teaching qualification for primary or secondary, or an ESL teacher
  • Responsible for providing intellectual, educational and social development
  • Expected to promote etiquette, good manners and behaviour
  • Providing a caring, nurturing and stimulating environment
  • Organising educational, leisure, or extracurricular activities
  • Overseeing homework activities
  • Current enhanced CRB/DBS check (or willingness to obtain)
  • Valid passport/Work Permits/Visa
  • Child Development
  • First Aid experience/qualifications
  • Bi-lingual advantageous

Extra desired training

  • Specialist in other subjects advantageous