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Executive Assistant (EA)

Salary : EUR 2000 to EUR 2500 Per Month

As Executive Assistant, you really are your employer’s right-hand. Providing direct support to your employer, maintaining their schedules and setting up appointments. Performing clerical tasks, making phone calls, setting up conference call/business meeting agendas, sending emails, accepting visitors, reviewing income reports and setting up and overseeing the daily schedule. You will have an extremely high standard of work and attention to detail.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Relevant secretarial experience
  • References on request
  • Willingness to work to exacting standards
  • Happy to work unsupervised as well as under instruction
  • Full clean driving licence
  • Attention to detail
  • Well presented
  • Friendly and motivated
  • Flexible

Extra desired training

  • Multilingual desirable