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Dive Instructor

Salary : EUR 2800 to EUR 3500 Per Month

A Dive Instructor on a super yacht would be responsible for teaching guests how to dive, as well as, supervising and leading divers to explore coral reefs, showing them the fascinating life of the underwater world. This person would also be in charge of the service and maintenance of on the board diving equipment and have the ability to manoeuvre a tender. Furthermore, the dive instructor may also be expected include carrying out hull inspections and underwater work.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Basic STCW safety training, including PSA or PDSD
  • Professional Dive Instructor certification
  • 2+ years experience guiding dives
  • Superior teaching skills
  • Ability to service and maintain dive equipment
  • Ability to run all diving operations
  • Powerboat Level II
  • Competent tender driver
  • Fluent English speaker
  • No previous super yacht experience necessary
  • ENG 1 Medical Fitness Certificate
  • Fit and healthy individual
  • Professional Appearance
  • Good Attitude

Extra desired training

  • Personal Watercraft
  • Personal Watercraft Instructor
  • Day skipper
  • VHF Radio
  • Yacht Rating
  • Videographer
  • Underwater photography