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AV/IT Specialist

Salary : EUR 1000 to EUR 2500 Per Month

The AV/IT Specialist should possess a high level of understanding of AV/IT/Networking issues, with an ability to clearly communicate problems with systems to specialists and upper management. Comfortable with MS Excel/Word and Email the ideal candidate will need to be computer literate, used to coordinating project requirements, maintenance lists and administration.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Several years’ experience in similar role
  • Trade qualified in Electrical, Mechanical and Construction
  • Good knowledge of best practices
  • Experience overseeing contractors or maintenance team
  • Hard working and proactive
  • Good communication skills and a strong work ethic
  • Good attention to detail
  • A flexible approach is required as you may be asked to undertake weekend duties
  • Workplace Health & Safety compliant
  • Up to speed with the latest in AV and IT equipment, technology and applications

Extra desired training

  • Multilingual