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Head of Information Technology (IT)

Salary : EUR 6000 to EUR 8000+ Per Month

The head of IT role involves managing teams of IT programmers and specialists to ensure that the clients' online platforms are running smoothly and efficiently. The candidate is expected to have a degree in the respective field to be able to competently troubleshoot any issues and think creatively. The individual is the point of contact for the programmers and specialist and is responsible for managing them too. The head of IT will often manage and delegate individuals to new and existing projects. Due to the nature of online platforming, risk management is critical before any projects are signed-off

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Degree standard educated
  • ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) experience
  • Previous managerial experience
  • Problem-solving and troubleshooting skills
  • Delivering to deadlines
  • Risk management