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Spa Manager

Salary : EUR 4000 to EUR 4500+ Per Month

On larger yachts the spa area my have more than one staff member. The Spa manager will be responsible for the spa area and staffing and will be able to offer a wide variety of beauty and massage treatments such as manicure, pedicure, nails gloss application, facial treatments, fake eye lashes application, make-up application, waxing, eyebrow shaping etc. and a variety of massage styles.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • STCW & PSA
  • ENG 1 Medical
  • Qualified beauty and massage therapist
  • Several years experience both on land and on yachts in a spa
  • Housekeeping skills
  • Highly organised
  • Immaculately presented

Extra desired training

  • Hair styling
  • Laundry Skills
  • Basic cookery
  • Floristry
  • Barista
  • Bar tending