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Salary : EUR 5500 to EUR 10000 Per Month

The Sommelier, otherwise known as the wine steward, should possess the appropriate wine training and experience. The right candidate will be extremely knowledgeable about wine, specialising in all aspects of wine service with the confidence to recommend suitable wine and food pairing at a diverse and range of VIP occasions and functions.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Relevant experience in a similar role
  • Certified sommelier (with Worldwide Sommelier Association)
  • Diploma in wine, gastronomy and management
  • References on request
  • Willingness to work to exacting standards
  • Confident, knowledgeable and articulate
  • Attention to detail
  • Well presented
  • Friendly and motivated
  • Flexible

Extra desired training

  • Degree in hospitality and management
  • Multi-lingual