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Service Steward(ess)

Salary : EUR 3500 to EUR 8500+ Per Month

The Service Stew will provide seamless service to the guests, will be comfortable with guest interaction, have a highly professional approach, and be confident with all styles of service.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • STCW & PSA
  • ENG 1 Medical
  • Background in yachts or land based in fine dining establishments
  • Have several years experience with all styles of service
  • Have a naturally creative flare to assist with table decorations, event styling
  • Good Barista skills
  • Good cocktail knowledge
  • Wine knowledge
  • Ideally have some wine knowledge
  • Immaculately presented

Extra desired training

  • Official training in Silver Service, wine knowledge and cocktail making
  • Cigar knowledge
  • Butler skills training
  • Event planning
  • Interior design
  • Etiquette training