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Salary : EUR 4500 to EUR 10000+ Per Month

Yachts over a certain size will require a Purser. The Purser is responsible for finance, crew management and administration as well as overseeing the yachts interior department and having a good understanding of the other departments on board. The Purser will also oversee purchasing, inventory, accounting, assisting the captain, with PA and legal aspects.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • The purser is very experienced and normally has worked their way through the ranks having spent several years as Chief Steward/ess.
  • The Purser will have a good understanding of maritime law
  • ISM and ISPS protocols
  • Financial management
  • Knowledge of cruising areas, including restaurant suggestions, shore side activities
  • Provisioning around the globe
  • Excellent knowledge of wines
  • Impeccable service skills
  • Strong computer skills and knowledge
  • Outstanding organisational skills
  • STCW & PSA
  • • ENG 1 Medical

Extra desired training

  • Accounts
  • Butler skills training
  • Multiple language speaker
  • Medical training
  • New build/ Project Management experience
  • Interior design knowledge or training
  • Event management experience or training