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Interior Manager

Salary : EUR 6000 to EUR 6500+ Per Month

The interior manager reporting directly to Yacht Manager and/or Owner’s Representative, and managing interior department heads to ensure flawless operation in all areas of the interior.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • Several years experience as a Chief Stew on large vessels
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to delegate
  • Ability to train and support the team
  • Management and Leadership skills
  • New build/ Project Management experience
  • Any prior estate or interior management
  • Advanced Wine and Service knowledge
  • Advanced housekeeping skills
  • Immaculately presented
  • STCW & PSA
  • • ENG 1 Medical

Extra desired training

  • Prior land based experience in property management
  • Multiple language speaker
  • Interior design knowledge or training
  • Event management experience or training