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The on board concierge will be responsible for making sure the owner’s and guests every need has been met. Owners and guests expect superior levels of service on board and some yachts are now introducing this higher level of bespoke service as part of the contract with their clients. It’s the business of a concierge to take an impossible requirement and making it possible enriching the clients on board experience.

Please note: On large yachts the interior department may split again into Housekeeping and Service and each section have a department head.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • STCW & PSA
  • ENG 1 Medical
  • Prior experience in high level hospitality
  • Immaculately presented
  • Provisioning around the globe
  • Advanced wine and champagne knowledge
  • Impeccable service skills
  • Strong computer skills and knowledge
  • Outstanding organisational skills

Extra desired training

  • Multiple language speaker
  • Etiquette training