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2nd Steward(ess)

Salary : EUR 3500 to EUR 6500+ Per Month

The 2nd Steward/ess will work closely with the Chief Stewardess to implement and executing the work list with the rest of the interior team.

In this role you will also be responsible for training of the junior stewardess and be able to step into the role of Chief Steward (ess) in their absence.

Qualifications, training and skills required

  • 2+ years industry experience
  • STCW & PSA
  • ENG 1 Medical
  • Strong service and housekeeping skills
  • Good attention to detail
  • Ability to delegate
  • Forward thinking
  • Experience with boat stowage and inventories
  • Knowledge of glass and tableware
  • Napkin folding, table settings
  • Cocktail making and barista skills
  • Strong Service skills and knowledge
  • Immaculately presented

Extra desired training

  • Wine certification
  • Butler skills training
  • Multiple language speaker
  • Medical training