
Job Search Results

  • 4 Positions
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AV/IT Officer #2384014
  • Starting 1st Sep 2024
  • Rotational
  • 75m (246ft) Motor Yacht
  • USD ($)9,000.00 Per Month
  • Posted Yesterday
AV/IT Officer #2323638
  • Starting 2nd Aug 2024
  • Rotational
  • 85m (279ft) Expedition Vessel
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Posted 18th Jul 2024
AV/IT Officer #2366798
  • Starting 1st Sep 2024
  • Rotational
  • 140m (459ft) Motor Yacht
  • EUR (€)8,000.00 Per Month
  • Posted 8th Jul 2024
Premium Employer
We are Faststream

The leaders in superyacht recruitment

AV/IT Officer #2366796
  • Starting 1st Sep 2024
  • Rotational
  • 140m (459ft) Motor Yacht
  • EUR (€)8,000.00 Per Month
  • Posted 8th Jul 2024