
Job Search Results

  • 21 Positions
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Filled Deckhand/Mate #2381998
  • Starting 30th Jul 2024
  • Permanent
  • 34m (112ft) Motor Yacht
  • Antigua & Barbuda
  • Posted 24th Jul 2024
Filled Deckhand/Mate #2355763
  • Starting 1st Aug 2024
  • Permanent
  • Shore Based Position
  • United Kingdom
  • GBP (£)2,500.00 Per Month
  • Posted 17th Jul 2024
Filled Deckhand/Mate #2373735
  • Starting 29th Jul 2024
  • Permanent
  • 35m (115ft) Motor Yacht
  • Posted 15th Jul 2024
Premium Employer
We are Wilson Halligan

The leaders in superyacht recruitment

Filled Deckhand/Mate Team/Couple #2373516
  • Permanent
  • 37m (121ft) Motor Yacht
  • United States
  • Posted 15th Jul 2024
Filled Deckhand/Mate #2372982
  • Seasonal
  • 24m (79ft) Sailing Yacht
  • France
  • Posted 15th Jul 2024
Filled Deckhand/Mate #2372962
  • Starting 30th Jul 2024
  • Permanent
  • 34m (112ft) Motor Yacht
  • Antigua & Barbuda
  • Posted 15th Jul 2024