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Make yourself Capable, Make yourself Valuable, Make yourself the Hire.

There are more people applying for roles in what is a rapidly changing job market in Crewing. The lure of the Yacht Industry has pulled many into its orbit in the hope of landing a job which allows for a lifestyle portrayed on Instagram and Below Decks. A lifestyle of travel and possibly tax free income, no rent payments because you are housed on a SuperYacht. The adventure, the thrills, the parties and the tips!

And all of this is correct but…It’s changing and rightly so. Why do I say rightly so? Because we are failing crew. We bring in underprepared individuals and then fail to teach or nurture that talent once onboard. The Industry continues to suffer loses and we continue to throw away those who simply couldn’t cope, often with shattered expectations about self and life in general. It is not a good look. And the industry continues to gain a reputation.

What the Industry is, at long last, looking for, are those with the skill sets that it recognises that it had previously not valued and is lacking. It is asking for more abilities already gained. It has finally recognised that although it is a place of higher education and continued learning for all on board, that it has fallen short in that area and in doing so has compounded its problems concerning crew and crew retention and crew’s ability to thrive in what is a very dynamic and stressful environment. The paradigm shift in crewing is real and is just beginning. I would anticipate in the coming years we will see dramatic shifts in entry level requirements and continuing professional development as well as an optical change in the media that this is a career for those with high level skills, high aspirations and long term professionalism at heart.

It then begs the question. How do you as an entry level individual break into this industry? Having spoken with so many at this point in their lives, it is the burning question.

Want to be hired sooner rather than later? Want to be that person onboard that is applauded. Want to be the crew member that thrives? Want to be the person who lives out a long term career with great personal success?

Your starting place is to understand what is missing for the industry. And then fill that gap. Remember this is a mutual relationship. The industry lacks skills.

Hard skill sets are vital now.

Prior to applying, make sure that your previous experiences and education are all about the skills required in this industry. Hard skills get you noticed. But it is the softer skills that will make you almost shine to those who read your CV or who interview you.

Most of the current data around problems place a solid blame at the feet of a lack of leadership or poor leadership or inadequate management. Why?? Because the industry simply does not teach it. The leadership courses, mandated for a few, are insignificant and not having any impact. We now need entry level crew to take up the challenge of providing a new start to leadership development. From day one or prior to applying, to begin to understand the role of leadership training and professional development over time. To head out on a course of learning designed to bring them their greatest abilities to thrive in their career and help develop that in others. This is where Crew Solutions Module One comes in. If you are thinking about applying to a yacht or have indeed landed a first role on board, this is the course, literally a cheat sheet, in that it lets you know what to expect and how to deal with it, It will not only make you look like you are on the path to being a highly valued crew member, with insight and ability, it will be the thing that aids you in your own development during your first year. This module lasts the year. It is there to be a support and guidance and allow you to better understand yourself and others in the new situations that you find yourself. It also then goes on to produce in you, the leadership that the industry so badly needs. In other words you get to thrive.

Be prepared to undertake continuing education around leadership and management and even teaching. Because this area is one where you will be most consumed. This is the one area where the industry is really needing help. It is in your hands. Be that crew member that changes tomorrow today.

Going Forward

Crew Solutions has three Modules and we have touched on the first. Module Two on the other hand is designed for all those of you who have been employed for a year or so inthe industry in which ever department and are now looking to further those skills ready to deal with your own managerial and teaching roles that you will soon face. Having more junior crew looking to you for guidance and often solace. This is the module that explores not only your own psychology around issues you have faced but how to deal with it in others and how to bring positive intent and situational awareness to every day. In order to do this you will need a sturdy understanding of self and this course again allows you a year to explore with a mentor what is happening for you in order that you can give of the best to others. You thrive, they thrive. More mutually beneficial relationships being developed over time.

Module Three is for those who are heads of their departments, Firsts and Captains who have the greatest responsibilities. It brings a recap of the previous two modules but then assigns you a year to more broadly develop in your role. You are the people who have been previously neglected in this aspect of your work but now the tools are appearing in the form of this type of study, mentoring and coaching.

But it doesn’t stop there. Crew Solutions is also happy to cater to entire yachts and bring mentoring and modules to the correct levels onboard, as well as delivering situational analysis and coaching to the yacht. Altering the processes that have created the culture onboard and changing things to a place of positive interactions and understanding. We hear so often now, how an individual has been sent on a leadership course but it made no difference. No two day course or classroom only based course will make a dramatic change, especially when ingrained problems are manifest. This will take time. Longitudinal coaching and mentoring of the individual and their work within the team dynamic and culture. Developing individuals in order that they can form a strong mutually beneficial crew as a unit. And this is our speciality. Crew Solutions is a training and development method for every level of crew and the care and skills required to deliver a long term approach to a yacht and its culture.

If you are setting out in this industry take Module One to really point you in the right direction. You will need all the help you can get.

If you are already onboard and have a training budget either your own or from the yacht, take a module to aid your development and improve the industry as a whole. Giving you a real chance to thrive.

Crew are the greatest asset of the yacht and they determine the experience of the Owner.

And as Captain or Management, if you are struggling with cultural issues onboard a specific yacht, use a training budget for an entire Yacht Cultural Make Over or Refit. You will be amazed at the long term changes to your vessel and the life and function of the Crew.

For more information about the Modules and the ethos of Crew Solutions please visit the website www.crewsolutions.uk

Or better yet call Dr Emma Gillett DC to discuss your needs. From Entry level Crew to Owner. Communication is where it all starts.